SICANTIK Application Update Version 3.0, adding 2023 Agricultural Census data. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilacap Regency

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SICANTIK Application Update Version 3.0, adding 2023 Agricultural Census data.

SICANTIK Application Update Version 3.0, adding 2023 Agricultural Census data.

January 10, 2024 | Other Activities

In accordance with BPS Cilacap Regency's commitment to providing the best service to data users, BPS Cilacap Regency has again released an update to the SICANTIK (Cilacap Dissemination of Statistical Figures) application version 3.0. The SICANTIK Android application is one of the innovations carried out by the Cilacap Regency BPS Innovation Team which is coordinated by the Cilacap Regency BPS Change Ambassador. The current Change Ambassador for BPS Cilacap Regency is Ms. Siti Nurrokhmah, SSi (First Expert Statistician).

In SICANTIK version 3.0, several data additions and improvements have been made including:
Added 2023 Agricultural Census Data in the form of a Summary and tables complete with graphs.
Complete HDI data calculated using UHH (Life Expectancy) using SP2020 LF data.
Addition of Regency/City HDI tables and graphs throughout Central Java.
Addition of tables and graphs of Regency/City Poverty throughout Central Java.
Overall graphic improvements, graphic displays with 2 or more data series can be activated/deactivated for certain series displays by pressing/touching the legend.
  Other main statistical indicators available are Inflation, Inequality, GRDP, Labor, Education, Housing, Education). In the future, routine application maintenance in the form of updates/additions of features or updates with the latest data will continue to be carried out for better service to data consumers.

If there is an update to the latest data/statistical indicators for application users, there is no need to update the application, our Admin will update the data in the backend and the data will automatically be updated in the user's application. Application updates are only needed if new features are added or new statistical indicators are added, or census data is added.

Tutorial for Using the SICANTIK BPS Cilacap Application

Download the SICANTIK applicationIn accordance with BPS Cilacap Regency's commitment to providing the best service to data users, BPS Cilacap Regency has again released an update to the SICANTIK (Cilacap Dissemination of Statistical Figures) application version 3.0. The SICANTIK Android application is one of the innovations carried out by the Cilacap Regency BPS Innovation Team which is coordinated by the Cilacap Regency BPS Change Ambassador. The current Change Ambassador for BPS Cilacap Regency is Ms. Siti Nurrokhmah, SSi (First Expert Statistician).

In SICANTIK version 3.0, several data additions and improvements have been made including:
Added 2023 Agricultural Census Data in the form of a Summary and tables complete with graphs.
Complete HDI data calculated using UHH (Life Expectancy) using SP2020 LF data.
Addition of Regency/City HDI tables and graphs throughout Central Java.
Addition of tables and graphs of Regency/City Poverty throughout Central Java.
Overall graphic improvements, graphic displays with 2 or more data series can be activated/deactivated for certain series displays by pressing/touching the legend.
  Other main statistical indicators available are Inflation, Inequality, GRDP, Labor, Education, Housing, Education). In the future, routine application maintenance in the form of updates/additions of features or updates with the latest data will continue to be carried out for better service to data consumers.

If there is an update to the latest data/statistical indicators for application users, there is no need to update the application, our Admin will update the data in the backend and the data will automatically be updated in the user's application. Application updates are only needed if new features are added or new statistical indicators are added, or census data is added.

Tutorial for Using the SICANTIK BPS Cilacap Application

Download the SICANTIK application

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