#DidYouKnow: Susenas Maret 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilacap Regency

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Dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan kepada konsumen data, BPS Kabupaten Cilacap membuka layanan data melalui WhatsApp pada nomor 0851-6282-3301 (chat only, pukul 08:00 s.d. 15:30 WIB). Anda bisa menyampaikan pengaduan layanan kepada kami disini atau mengakses Layanan Aspirasi dan Pengaduan Online Rakyat (LAPOR) disini atau melalui WhatsApp pada nomor 0851-6282-3301.

#DidYouKnow: Susenas Maret 2023

#DidYouKnow: Susenas Maret 2023

January 18, 2024 | Other Activities

From the results of the March 2023 Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS), it was found that the average per capita expenditure of the Cilacap community is Rp1,095,911, with the largest expenditure on food being around Rp173,037.

This indicates that the people of Cilacap prefer to purchase ready-to-eat food and beverages. Additionally, the community also spends approximately Rp78,875 per month on cigarettes.

For complete data, #DataFriends can download it from the publication "Statistik Kesejahteraan Rakyat Kabupaten Cilacap 2023" (Welfare Statistics of Cilacap Regency 2023). This publication also covers macro data on population, education, health, fertility and family planning, housing, information and communication technology, social protection, and much more.

Well, #DataFriends can see the complete data at cilacapkab.bps.go.id/publikasi
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Cilacap(Statistics of Cilacap Regency)Jl. Dr Sutomo No. 16A Cilacap

53212  Telp. (0282) 534328

Fax. (0282) 535011

email : bps3301@bps.go.id 


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