Cilacap Disdukcapil Launches 'Dolan Teluk Penyu' Application for Online Services - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilacap Regency

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Cilacap Disdukcapil Launches 'Dolan Teluk Penyu' Application for Online Services

Cilacap Disdukcapil Launches 'Dolan Teluk Penyu' Application for Online Services

January 20, 2024 | Other Activities

The Cilacap Regency Population and Civil Registry Service (Disdukcapil) launched the population application 'Dolan Teluk Penyu' to make it easier for people to process population documents online. This application was launched symbolically by the Acting Regent of Cilacap Awaluddin Muuri in the Cilacap Population and Civil Registration Hall, Wednesday (17/1/2024).
Head of the Cilacap Regency Population and Civil Registration Office, Annisa Fabriana, explained that the 'Dolan Teluk Penyu' application provides a number of online population document services such as changing data, moving in, moving out, birth certificates and death certificates. This application can be downloaded on Playstore.
There are 14 Front Office (FO) officers and 7 validators who are ready to serve up to 600 requests in one working day. However, his party does not rule out face-to-face services. People who have difficulty accessing online services can use the 'garage' service for 200 people per day and will be guided manually.
“Dolan Teluk Penyu” means online document, press your index finger to request metu. "So, people just need to apply for population documents through this application, then come to the Disdukcapil office to submit the files and pick up the finished documents," said Annisa.
Annisa hopes that with this new breakthrough, people can process population documents without going through intermediaries. He also appealed to the public to use this application wisely and in accordance with applicable regulations.
Acting Regent of Cilacap Awaluddin Muuri appreciated the steps taken by the Cilacap Dukcapil. Disdukcapil in improving services to the community. He said this was in line with the Acting 10 priority programs. Regent of Cilacap for the digitalization sector of government administration and public services.
"The 'Dolan Teluk Turtle' application is a form of innovation that supports this program. "We hope that this innovation can be followed by other OPDs in accordance with their respective duties and functions to provide excellent service to the community," said Awaluddin. (dn/Kominfo)
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