February 2016, the open employment rate in Jawa Tengah reached 4.20 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilacap Regency

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February 2016, the open employment rate in Jawa Tengah reached 4.20 percent

Release Date : May 4, 2016
File Size : 0.48 MB


Total labor force in Jawa Tengah in February 2016 which amounted to 17.91 million people, decreased approximately 378 thousand people compared to the state in February 2015 and increased 616 thousand peolple compared to August 2015. The working population in Jawa Tengah in February 2016 amounted to 17.16 million people, an increase of about 727 thousand people compared to the state in Agustus 2015 and decreased amounted to 160 thousand people compared to February 2015. The open unemployment rate reached 4.20 percent, decreased of about 1.11 percent compared to the state in February 2015(5.31 percent) decreased amounted to 0.79 percent compared to August 2015 (4.99 percent)

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