Result of the 2023 Census of Agriculture Adipala District - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilacap Regency

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Result of the 2023 Census of Agriculture Adipala District

Catalog Number : 5106087.3301150
Publication Number : 33010.24077
Publishing Frequency : Every 10 Years
Release Date : December 31, 2024
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 13.43 MB


The Census of Agriculture is an effort to accurately and comprehensively depict the state of the agricultural sector nationwide. The publication of the Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture is the outcome of the field data collection for the 2023 Census of Agriculture. BPS - Statistics Indonesia presents priority data and information more detailed in District level will be presented in the publication of the Results of the 2023 Census of AgricultureThis publication contains information in District level on the general explanation of the 2023 Census of Agriculture, agricultural households and the classification of agricultural holdings, demographics of agricultural holders, agricultural land and fertilizer use, “gurem” farmers, and agricultural commodities.The data and information presented in District level are expected to be more than just numbers but a comprehensive foundation for designing transformation policies for the agricultural sector towards “Indonesia Emas 2045”.The implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census would not have been possible without the extraordinary contribution of agricultural business actors, both individuals and agricultural companies/businesses, regional leaders, related ministries/institutions, and all parties who supported the success of the ST2023 in Cilacap Regency. We express our deepest gratitude for the active participation and extraordinary cooperation from all levels of society, as well as the prospective statisticians from Cilacap. Hopefully, this publication can serve as a strong foundation for the development of competitive, sustainable agriculture, and provides maximum benefits to society.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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