#DadiGenah: Getting to know the largest sub-district in Cilacap Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cilacap Regency

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#DadiGenah: Getting to know the largest sub-district in Cilacap Regency

#DadiGenah: Getting to know the largest sub-district in Cilacap Regency

January 15, 2024 | Other Activities

"Admin wants to invite everyone for a trip to the largest sub-district in Cilacap Regency. #DataBuddies, do you know where we're heading?

Yes, that's right, Wanareja.

Wanareja Sub-district is approximately 86 km away from the central government office of Cilacap Regency, covering an area of 195.92 km² or 8.29% of the total area of Cilacap Regency. It holds the title of being the largest sub-district in the regency.

According to the results of the 2023 Population Census (ST2023), Wanareja Sub-district has the highest number of Individual Agricultural Enterprises (UTP) at 18,197 units.

Additionally, Wanareja Sub-district leads in the number of Agricultural Household Enterprises (RTUP) with 17,821 households.

For more detailed data and information, you can download the application on Play Store:

SiCANTIK BPS CILACAP now, it's easier to access Cilacap's statistical data with SICANTIK version 3.0.

SiCANTIK version 3.0 is equipped with the results of the 2023 Population Census.

Ready to explore? #DadiGenah, let's go.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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